Friday, 26 September 2014

Taming the Tiger

It has been noticed that nowadays whoever has an internet connection and a social networking account seems to have an EXPERT opinion about most incidents which happen daily all around the world. It has most REAL EXPERTS bewildered of course for all the wrong reasons. 

Recently I came across this interesting and rather sad account of a young man from Delhi in India. He had been mauled to death by a white tiger in its enclosure within the full view of the zookeepers and the crowd visiting the zoo. His death was a spectacle for the tourists visiting the zoo, who captured the gruesome end of the youth on their mobile devices. ( I don't mean to be a judge here of the moral standards of the onlookers).

Within a few minutes the tiger attacked the youth who had supposedly slipped and fallen within the enclosure. 

The following video was procured from one of the onlookers which was widely circulated over social media :

My observations :

  1. It is clearly noticeable that the tiger did not make any advances to the youth with the intention of eating him as soon as he landed in to the enclosure. This implies that the tiger was not used to quite a lot of human interaction other than the one that he had at the zoo from the zookeepers and the people taking care of him. The tiger named Vijay was born and brought up at the zoo itself and did not have any experience of hunting whatsoever.


The above link contains the statement of the zookeepers who have reared the tiger since its birth which was in the zoo itself.

  2.   The tiger does not attack the youth at sight. The tiger looks at the youth with a lot of curiosity              and does not attack him for quite a long time. He seems to be rather playfully swiping at the               youth. (which I am sure is not a very pretty thing for the youth as he stares into the eyes of the             tiger). He does respond to the calls of the zookeeper and that shows he his capable of taking                 orders and recognizes his name. Moreover the diet of the tiger does not consist of human flesh             by any chance.


3.     The tiger was noticeably disturbed and enraged after the stone pelting and the shouts of the                  visitors. He mad the final and lethal attack only after he was stoned at by the visitors. It is by              reflex that we attack anything which seems to be unfamiliar and dangerous to us. It is the same            in case of animals. We cannot expect them to react differently.


Many readers have expressed anguish for the youth whose death was a live spectacle for the visitors, young and old alike.Some are outraged with the zoo officials for not taking up measures such as tranquilizing the animal in time to save the youth from meeting his horrifying end. Some are blaming the ones who recorded the entire incident instead of getting help for the young man. While a few are of the opinion that the youth himself invited his own death by crossing the barricade for which he was reportedly reprimanded twice by the security officials. Some blame the unruly crowd who angered the animal making it violent thereby killing the man.

Whatever maybe the reason for such an incident,it definitely doesn't seem to be just one reason. It is a combination of all the factors above in varying percentages.Its a learning experience for zoos all over the world.


  1. Visitors in Indian zoos try a number of tricks in order to get the attention of the animal. Many animals are stoned at, thrown plastic bottles and hooted at so that the poor animal throws a glance at the persons calling out to it. (as if being caged wasn't enough).Zoos need to fine such people so that their behaviour does not in turn affect the caged animals and make it ugly for the other visitors.They should be educated before entering the zoo premises on animal behaviour and conservation of animals which are being wiped from the face of the earth.(Tigers being one of them)
  2.  Zoos can be barricaded with toughened glass enclosures which are difficult to climb and still facilitate easy viewing of the animals. Photography can be limited to a few animals. Viewing of animals should be an experience which is to be cherished by the senses.
  3. Zookeepers can be trained to use tranquilizers which can be life saving in cases like the one mentioned.
  4. Visitors in cases of emergency should be evacuated immediately from the premises without any exceptions so that at least children are not subjected to violence of this kind.(read death of a human being). The last hours of a human being are sacrosanct to his family and should not be made available.
  5. Keep all our expert opinions to oneself and think over a billion times before posting preposterous 'facts' on social networking sites.

DISCLAIMER : I am not an expert on the matter and hence I have added references to what I have written. The above opinion is my personal opinion and does not represent any media whatsoever.

Feel free to however comment and subscribe and add your suggestions!!

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