I absolutely love watching movies. Horror and suspense being my favorite and I definitely favor a good horror movie over any other movie in the world. And there is nothing like watching a scary movie ( and by scary I mean really scary) in a theater. With all the chilly effects it drills fear right inside the head like the way its supposed to be. That'd how a scary movie is supposed to be.
But no that's not how some people see it...
Some schmucks like to disturb the whole idea of film watching for a few film enthusiasts like me.And that is how I arrive at the topic of this blog post :
Types of Moviegoers :
But no that's not how some people see it...
Some schmucks like to disturb the whole idea of film watching for a few film enthusiasts like me.And that is how I arrive at the topic of this blog post :
Types of Moviegoers :
- The Stand up Comedians - The over eager ones who think it is their job to make each of the lines in the movie inaudible to each and everyone person who sits in their seats; that its difficult to follow the plot especially if there are lines crucial to the plot of the movie.And those lines are replaced by stinky liners which are tossed at any chance that these low lives get at a scene.
- The Hoggers - The stomachs of these people are made out of infinitely elastic material which can expand ten times and then wind up ten times around the earth. And because of this ability (or disability as I would like to put it) they are stomping in and out of the movie hall a bazillion times just to get refills and when they are not doing that they are opening up big fat packets of chips and nachos which rustle up loud when you are trying to concentrate super hard because you well know that this is a crucial point in the movie. So all you hear is the crackling and crunching (loud crunching) of snacks and every other crunchy chip in the world.
- The Lovebirds - They surely are the best of the lot but then there is something about two people making out in a crowded theater that makes all the cells in your body scream out "Go get a room".
- The Mobile Enthusiasts - Of course how can I forget this group. Status updating, tweeting, uploading pictures for everyone to see. You name it and they do it. All of those shiny blinking screens dotting the dark background almost take away from the magic that's been woven on the big screen right in front of you. And not to forget all the calls which has everyone talking like a megaphone.
- The Movie Enthusiasts - These are the ones who are actually in there with the right purpose. Who are there to watch a movie because they like watching movies. And while they are a dwindling lot they need to be saved so that they could be kept from being extinct.