Monday, 2 February 2015

Defining BEAUTY

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder"     - Plato

Its a rare occasion that a Sunday mass sermon does not put me off to sleep actually this one made me straighten up and take notice, well, take real good notice.Because this one I bet we all have been prey to at some point or the other. The pastor reminiscing old memories shared a beautiful incident from the pages of his life. And drove home the message Loud and Clear.
And it really set me thinking. "How do we define BEAUTY?"

The answer is simple and almost the same for all of us. We pick up a magazine and browse through the pages of super skinny beings(there's a name for them) called Supermodels. Longingly look at the bones jutting out the rib cages and the skinny frames,we intentionally (or unintentionally) wish that we had bodies like these, we looked flawless like them and maybe just did nothing than act like hangers for unwearable pieces of cloth stitched together.Almost every teenager dreams of having a body like that , idolizing them in every possible way.

We take pride in being compared to a superstar virtually flushing out our own individuality down the drain. We aspire to be like the exact copy of someone hardly realising that in doing so we are hugely compromising the most important part of ourselves i.e. ME

Our urge to be someone is manifested in so many different ways that we yearn to be someone else at the cost of our own ME.
Maybe its a sibling trying to be like his/her successful family/parent....
Maybe its a friend vying to be just as popular as his/her best friend....
Or it maybe a wife trying to desperately fit into the mould of being a worthy spouse..

How often are we shrouded with the thoughts of being compared to another?
With the thought that we may not match up to the success of someone else? so much so to the point of loathing....
A billion times....
How many times are you forced to accept "fair and lovely skin" as a gradient of beauty?
When will we stop looking at ourselves with disdain just because we don't own a thick mane,or our curls are frowned upon?
When will "awkwardness" and "confidence" stop being compartmentalized ?
As long as "photo shopped" beauties make their way into our hearts,heads and homes, they will continue making their presence felt.... (noticeably!!)
To be cast into a mould to appear and look beautiful according to the way society judges us ...
As long as we allow others to stop us from seeing the BEAUTY within us, we will never be able to appreciate the BEAUTiFUL GIRL which resides within each of us.(affirmatively)

  And every time you think of being LIKE someone else, let Bruno Mars remind you that....